Author: Varsha

Explore how an online MPH degree revolutionizes public health education, offering flexibility and rigorous training in epidemiology, health policy, and more. Accredited programs prepare professionals to tackle global health challenges,... Read More

Texila American University Group and IAU-UNESCO listed Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN) (English name: Central University of Nicaragua) have signed an agreement, to collaborate academically, to offer various programs from... Read More

The key to becoming an authority in business administration is getting a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration). You don’t have to join a regular business school to get it. Those... Read More

Public health professionals can move up in their chosen profession by joining the PhD in Public Health program offered by Texila American University and The University of Central Nicaragua. You... Read More

For nursing professionals who want to do an Online Nursing Degree that is at par with a regular PhD in Nursing, this is an opportunity they should not miss. The... Read More

Doing a Doctor of Public Health Administration program (DPHA) is now accessible to anyone committed to upgrading their academic attainments. Aspirants can do a Public Health Administration Course by joining... Read More

If you hold a permanent medical council registration and have completed your MBBS or an equivalent qualification, you can enroll in Royal College Radiology course to prepare for the FRCR... Read More

If you have completed your MBBS with permanent registration from the Indian Medical Council, you can consider pursuing MRCS After MBBS as an alternative to a postgraduate course, even without... Read More

With a mere MBBS, it is practically impossible to progress as a doctor. There are different programs that you can do to become a specialist. One of them is a... Read More

If you have completed your MBBS or an equivalent qualification with permanent medical council registration and aspire to specialize in Internal Medicine, consider enrolling in the MRCP Course in India.... Read More